Animal Sound Match-Up

Animal Sound Match-Up is an engaging card game to help kids improve their speech and language skills while having fun! This set includes two decks of cards: one with pictures of animals and another with corresponding animal noises. Kids will match these cards together to play an interactive and educational game.

Download these cards in our app!


How to Play:

  1. Set Up: After printing out and cutting out the cards, shuffle both decks: the animal cards and the animal noise cards. Place them face down in separate piles.

  2. Take Turns: Each player takes turns drawing one card from each pile. They will reveal one animal card and one animal noise card.

  3. Match the Sounds: The goal is to match the animal with the correct noise. For example, if a player draws a picture of a lion and a card with the sound of a roaring lion, they have made a match.

  4. Say It Out Loud: When a match is made, the player should say the name of the animal and mimic the animal's noise, encouraging speech practice. For example, "Lion! Roar!"

  5. Continue Playing: Players take turns drawing cards and making matches. The game can continue until all the cards are matched.

Animal Sound Match-Up offers these developmental benefits for children:

  1. Speech Improvement: Children practice pronunciation and articulation as they say the names of animals and mimic their sounds.

  2. Language Development: Expanding their vocabulary as they learn the names of animals and the corresponding sounds.

  3. Listening Skills: Enhancing listening comprehension by matching sounds correctly.

  4. Interactive Play: Promoting engagement and social interaction as children play together.

  5. Fun Learning: Creating an enjoyable way for children to work on speech therapy goals while playing a game.


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