Therapist Feature: Jessica Tromello, COTA


The featured therapist for April is Jessica Tromello, COTA in honor of Occupational Therapy month!

Jessica has been a COTA and worked with Tilton’s Therapy for 6.5 years. She started working with TT4T right after finishing school. One of her fieldwork rotations was with last month’s featured therapist and longest employee of TT4T Terri Gregg, which Jessica absolutely loved. We’re grateful to hear that she says she “feels so blessed to be able to work for such an amazing company” at Tilton’s. As a native of Las Vegas, she has lived here her whole life and loves living with the familiarity of everything around her. For Jessica, Las Vegas is a large city that feels like a small town, and she appreciates how people are generally kind - and when the community is in need, everyone comes together to support.


Getting started in OT came at a point when Jessica was not sure where she was going to go with her career. She knew she wanted to help people in some capacity, but wasn’t sure what that looked like. When she was going through a college course catalog, she came upon professions in occupational therapy. The description of the classes and the field immediately drew her in. She was fascinated by the many specialties that you could obtain and the various ways that you could potentially make an impact on someone’s life. She really enjoys working with children in their own environment: “Doing so allows the kiddos to feel that they are in a safe and comfortable environment. This gives me the ability to really focus on individualized therapy. It also allows greater carry over if they are able to do activities that were done in therapy at home.”


Last year, Jessica had the ability to take on students who were working on becoming COTAs. It was important to her to provide a place to learn and to showcase how great pediatric home health can be as a way of giving back to the profession. Balance is important for everyone, and to keep things fun, Jessica - along with her fiance, five year old, and two year old - love to go on adventures together. They enjoy the outdoors and try to get outside as much as possible when the weather allows. You might find them barbecuing and enjoying time with family and friends in good weather. Her other passions in true crime podcasts, books, TV shows, etc. and of course, The Golden Knights, provide her with other recreation during her time away from OT.

Learn more about Jessica or contact her directly!

Each month we will be introducing one of our amazing therapists at TT4T and giving everyone the opportunity to get to know them a bit better. Follow our monthly newsletter or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to keep up with the latest news!


Therapist Feature: Christine Sterner, SLP & Director of Speech and Language Services


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