National Health Centers Week

Community Health Centers were established in 1965. Since then, over 29 million people now have access to affordable health care in over 1,400 establishments that work toward reducing health care disparities. “Each basic service component, in each individual setting, will be affected by factors of finance, culture, geography, and other influences will determine the availability and effectiveness of those services” (Williams & Torrens, 2008, p.16). This set of factors is known as health disparities. According to the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) health centers “help increase access to crucial primary care by reducing barriers such as cost, lack of insurance, distance and language for their patients.”

When individuals are able to seek out and receive care without having worry about disparities, more people have the opportunity to receive care. 


National Health Center Week

Every year during the 2nd week in August we celebrate National Health Center Week. This year it falls on August 9-15, 2020. The theme this year is “Ligting the Way for Healthier Communities Today and in the Future.” National Health Center week aims to increase awareness, build community pride, and advocate for the importance of health centers to legislators. Health Centers are even more important during our current state of affairs with COVID-19. It is important to recognize our health centers for a myriad of reasons, however this year it is important to recognize and honor the staff, front line workers, and patients who have been affected by COVID-19. 

“Community Health Centers serve as the beacon of strength, service, and care in their communities. In moments of pain and loss, they offer support and love. In moments of triumph, they offer hope and a vision for the future. Let’s come together this week to celebrate the roles Community Health Centers have played in both our recent moments of loss and triumph. “(

Each day of National Health Center Week will have a specific emphasis:

Public Health in Housing Day

Sunday August 9th is Public Health in Housing Day. In order to provide the best care possible, facilities need to understand their patient’s social health determinants (SDH). These are the environments in which people live, work, play and age. These factors will determine health outcomes therefore are important to understand when determining a plan of care for the community’s patients. PRAPARE (Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks and Experiences) is an assessment tool utilized by health care centers to “better target clinical and non-clinical care to drive care transformation, delivery system integration, as well as improved health and cost reductions.” 

Healthcare for the Homeless Day

Monday August 10th is Healthcare for the Homeless Day. Health Centers not only serve low income individuals, they also serve about 1.3 million individuals who are currently or have experienced homelessness. Health Care Centers “advocate for policies that end homelessness by providing comprehensive housing and health care as a human right.”

Agricultural Worker Health Day

Tuesday August 11th is Agricultural Worker Health Day. There is an estimated 4.5 million agricultural workers in the United States of which 20% are serviced by Community Health Centers. Without the health centers many of these patients would go without care. 

Patient Appreciation Day

Wednesday August 12th is Patient Appreciation Day. By law, 51% of a Health Centers board must be made up of its community members. That means it’s time to celebrate YOU. When communities come together and support one another more successes are seen. 

Stakeholder Appreciation Day

Thursday August 13th is Stakeholder Appreciation Day. Support from legislators is an integral part for how these centers run. Without their support, funding or grants may decrease or not be available. It is important to show appreciation to those who advocate and support health care centers. 

Health Center Staff Appreciation Day

Friday August 14th is Health Center Staff Appreciation Day. Without individuals who work or volunteer, Community Health Care Centers would not be possible. It is their commitment each day to provide high quality care to patients in need. 

Children’s Health Day

Saturday August 15th is Children’s Health Day. According to approximately 8 million children receive their primary care through a community health center. As school is approaching, no matter what form, the centers provide wellness checks to ensure our future is healthy. Health centers aim to host events that will engage children in being “healthy, happy, and empowered” individuals.

This year they are partnering with Sesame Street in Communities (SSIC). SSIC provides more than 800 free activities to help “build resilience skills in young kids and the grown-ups who care for them.” Please visit to access a plethora of fun engaging activities featuring some of our favorite Muppets. 

If you or someone you know needs help finding a Community Health Care Center please visit

Resources for this article provided by:

Williams, S. J., & Torrens, P. R. (2008). Introduction to Health Services (7th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning.


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