Top Resources for Parents of Kids with Special Needs

Parents of kids with special needs may find themselves without much support outside of medical professionals or therapists who provide treatment for their child. Some people have close family or friends who offer support, but the insight and understanding of other people with similar circumstances can be extremely beneficial for parents or caregivers and kids alike. Many online resources can help provide information and examples to help you learn and grow with your child’s diagnosis, but there are also many local resources at your disposal that can be highly impactful once you get involved. Here are the top resources for parents of kids with special needs in the Southern Nevada area:

Best Buddies - Nevada

Best Buddies is a global organization which provides those with special needs a one-on-one connection with another individual. They rely on the support of others to make their mission work. Volunteers across the globe devote themselves to the organization and those they form friendships. Aside from one-on-one friendships, Best Buddies also helps to coordinate integrated employment and leadership development. Their focus is middle school-aged children, high school, and older.

Deliver the Dream

This organization is based in Florida, but offers retreats for families of those with chronic illness or disabilities. While travel to the retreat location is not provided, the retreat is free to families after their application is accepted. For families dealing with constant care, from medical appointments to therapy sessions, the stress of it all can become burdensome. These retreats provide families with a way to connect with others in similar circumstances to be able to share their stories and thoughts while enjoying a relaxing, calm environment for everyone.

DSOSN: Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada

This organization provides support, direction, and resources to families or anyone caring with someone with Down Syndrome. Their programs offer many different treatment types, like speech and music therapy as well as early intervention therapies which aid in promoting quality of life and integration into the community. In terms of community, DSOSN works with other organizations in Southern Nevada to provide additional opportunities like the Best Buddies organization as well as Opportunity Village. They also provide different resources for things like grants and additional learning programs kids can attend. Check their calendar of events for different things to join in, like a new parent Saturday meetup!

F.E.A.T. - Families for Effective Autism Treatment

FEAT is an organization for families with kids with autism, ASD, or related disorders as a place of support and learning. They provide a network of families in the area to offer the chance to connect, discuss treatment and outcomes, support one another, and share their stories with others in similar situations. Not only do they connect parents, but they have opportunities for kids to connect to their peers. Some of their other services include the use of their library, an R&R respite program, mentorships, scholarships, parties, and more. 

Positively Kids

Parents can find different services offered at this facility, from primary care to chronic care, their space provides a consistent team and place for your child to receive medical treatment. Positively Kids also offers dental services along with behavioral therapy and counseling at their location.

Silver Tree Special Needs Planning

Special needs planning involves setting up needed documentation or financial planning filing. This company can help with filing conservatorship or guardianship designations as well as an aid in guiding you toward resources or eligibility for government resources and setting up special needs trusts. Assistance for families as well as individuals or professionals caring for someone with special needs is offered through Silver Tree Special Needs Planning.

Summit Autism

Summit Autism is a partner of Tilton’s Therapy for Tots. Individualized treatment plans allow for your child to grow and gain skills in the areas they most need, from communication skills, social skills, or restrictions in behavior due to stereotyping. The approach at Summit Autism Services delivers “customized support and training using the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) while adhering to the ethical and professional guidelines set forth by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), and the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts (APBA).” If you are interested in ABA therapy with a naturalistic and functional methodology, check them out online at:  

Tilton’s Therapy for Tots

While it may be known to many parents, Tilton’s aims to provide parents with the best resources for their child’s care and development. Our articles touch on topics to help support the home environment, much like the therapy practice we have in place. Parents can find helpful information but also fun activities they can do at home while learning why and how it helps children’s development. Our team is dedicated to their kiddos and parents can always reach their therapists online through our website.


Therapist Feature: Kim Koch, SLP


Therapist Feature: Gina McDade, PTA