Storytelling Scenes

Fill in the story scenes to create your own worlds right from your imagination! Choose from 10 different scenes to write a story and illustrate it above. You can print the pages out to use coloring pencils, crayons, or markers, or just open on a tablet to draw and write digitally. Download in our app!


  1. Choose a Prompt: Look through the list of story prompts provided. Pick one that excites you and sparks your imagination.

  2. Imagine Your Story: Take a moment to think about your story. What will happen? Who are the characters? Where does it take place? Use your imagination to create a vivid picture in your mind and answer the prompt question.

  3. Write Your Story: Start writing your story in the lined section provided. Remember to have a clear beginning, middle, and end.

  4. Draw Your Illustrations: Use the blank sections to draw pictures that go along with your story. These can be scenes from your story, characters, or important objects. Be creative and have fun with your drawings!

  5. Creative Tips: Try using descriptive words, adding dialogue, or imagining unique scenarios.

  6. Share Your Story: Once you’ve finished writing and drawing, share your story with friends and family. You can read it out loud, show them your illustrations, or even create a little book with your pages.

  7. Have Fun: Most importantly, have fun and let your imagination run wild. There are no limits to the stories you can create!

Remember: This is your story, and you are the author. Enjoy the process of creating something unique and special.


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