Summer Activities to Boost Your Child’s Development

Summer is a wonderful time for children to explore and have fun, but it can also be a great opportunity to support their development. As parents or caregivers, it is important to find activities that not only help us to keep children entertained but also promote their physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. Here are some easy and fun ideas for summer activities that can boost your child's development.

Kids Outdoor Activities

Nature Walks

Take your child on a nature walk to explore the outdoors. Spending time outside can help children further develop sensory processing skills as they feel elements such as the different textures of leaves, rocks, and other natural materials. A simple nature walk can help improve attention and focus while exposing children to new sights and sounds. According to the American Occupational Therapy Association, "Outdoor play provides children with the opportunity to engage in sensory-rich experiences that help to enhance their overall development and well-being" (AOTA, 2021).

Obstacle Course

Create an obstacle course in your backyard or local park. This activity can help your child develop their coordination, balance, and gross motor skills. You can use items like hula hoops, cones, and jump ropes to incorporate many different types of movement for the obstacle course.

Bike Riding

Riding a bike is a great way to develop a child's balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. It can even help them grow their connection to a hobby or help them feel independent. Bike riding can also contribute to improving cardiovascular health and endurance.

Kids Indoor Activities

Building Blocks

Building blocks can help children develop their fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and problem-solving abilities. Encourage children to build different structures and designs using blocks of different shapes and sizes. There are many different activities you can do to expand upon simply building with blocks. Try our Shadow Building activity to include more opportunities for development. Be sure to download our app to browse our library of activities you can do at home and search by developmental focus!


Puzzles can help improve a child's cognitive skills, specifically their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities. Choose puzzles that are age-appropriate for your child and gradually increase the complexity as they improve their skills over time. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, "Puzzles are a great way to help children develop their cognitive and language skills, as they engage in problem-solving and critical thinking.”

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts are an excellent way for children to develop their creativity, fine motor skills, and self-expression. By encouraging your child to use different materials like paint, markers, and clay, you can help them create their own unique masterpieces that showcase their creativity and imagination. Not only does this boost their confidence and self-esteem, but it also allows them to explore their own interests and ideas in a safe and fun environment. Arts and crafts can teach children important skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and patience as they work to bring their ideas to life. Throughout the process it might be surprising what you can learn from each other and the wonderful creations you can make as a team.


Encouraging your child to read books during their summer break is a great way to help them improve their language and communication skills, as well as enhance their imagination and creativity. Reading can also provide a wonderful opportunity for you to bond with your child as you read books together and discuss the stories, characters, and themes. This can help improve your child's critical thinking and comprehension abilities, as they learn to analyze and interpret the words. Reading is a great way to expose your child to different cultures and perspectives, broadening their understanding of the world and helping to further develop empathy and compassion. So, whether your child is reading on their own or with your help, be sure to encourage this beneficial habit and make it a part of your summer routine.

Water Activities


Swimming is a great way to improve a child's overall physical fitness and gross motor skills. Taking a dip in a pool can help develop body awareness and coordination as well. According to the APTA, "swimming is a low-impact activity that provides aerobic exercise and helps to improve overall body strength, as well as gross motor skills such as balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.”

Water Balloon Toss

Water balloon toss is a fun and simple game that can help improve a child's hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills. In addition, this activity provides a great opportunity for children to spend quality time with their friends and family, fostering positive relationships and creating lasting memories. Launching and catching water balloons can help children develop their focus and concentration skills, which will serve them well in so many different aspects of their lives. It can also be a chance for children to learn about the properties of water, such as its weight and how it moves, promoting an early interest in science. Overall, this classic game is a wonderful way to encourage children to engage in physical activity while also having fun and developing a range of these important skills.

Sprinkler Fun

Running through a sprinkler can help children develop not just their gross motor skills and body awareness, but also coordination, balance, and agility. As children move around and navigate through the spray of water, it is necessary to constantly adjust their body positions and balance, which helps them build better reflexes and coordination. This activity can help improve sensory processing skills as children feel the different sensations of the water, such as temperature, pressure, and texture. Because this is a multisensory experience, it can be particularly beneficial for children with sensory processing disorders, as it can help them learn to process and integrate sensory information more effectively.

In order to make the most out of the summer, it's important to create a balance between fun and developmental focus. By providing your children with activities that are both entertaining and educational, you can help boost their physical, emotional, and cognitive growth, and ensure that they have a fun and memorable summer. Remember to choose activities that are age-appropriate for your child and always prioritize safety. Download our app to find lots of great ideas for kids’ activities and have a developmental and fun-filled summer!

Related Resources

Water Safety Color Wheel:

Summer Water Balloon Fun:

Water Play:

Summer Activity List:

School’s Out. Now What?

Gross Motor Dice Game:

Additional Resources


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