New Horizons Academy Excelsior Program

Therapists are invited to come into New Horizons Academy School for the Excelsior Program during school hours to work with clients. This service gives therapists another location and helps families to have services provided ‘under one roof’. This Year One pilot program is for Pre-K students and will be adding kindergarten through third grade in Year Two, 2022.

New Horizons Academy currently has 4 programs:


New Horizons Academy is an accredited private K-12 school dedicated to students who learn differently. Some of their students face challenges, such as, autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and other concerns that might get in the way of the learning process.

EXCELSIOR Pre-K; 4 & 5 year old

Excelsior means Onward! and Upward! which describes the direction for children to reach their full potential. Excelsior combines in-class early childhood education that incorporates physical, developmental, social skills, and academics. Unlike any other program in Las Vegas, Excelsior allows therapists to work with students during school hours.


The Life Skills Program encompasses topics, such as safety, self-advocacy, transition skills, budgeting, social skills, and independent living. Skills mastered in the Life Skills program are transferred to the world of employment with entrepreneurship, job shadowing, and trainee programs.

PRESCHOOL 6 weeks – 4 years

The preschool is community-based for neighborhood families. Through play and hands-on experience, the use of developmentally appropriate materials, and interactions with knowledgeable and caring adults, children develop the skills necessary to become confident, independent, and successful learners.

If you (or others you know) could benefit from or are interested in learning more about New Horizons and our programs, please contact Janis at or 702-860-2351 for more information.


Therapist Feature: Jocelyn Wells, SLP


Therapist Feature: Megan Trentman, SLP