Phonics Fun

Phonics Fun is an interactive and educational activity that can enhance a child's speech and language skills, as well as their cognitive abilities while playing a fun game!

Download this fun activity in our app!


  1. Download the Phonics Fun PDF and print it out, or open it on a tablet.

  2. This contains a variety of pictures and corresponding words with missing letters.

  3. Show kids the picture and incomplete word, and ask them to fill in the missing letter(s) by sounding out the word.

  4. Encourage saying the word out loud after they have completed it, practicing their speech and phonics skills.

  5. Discuss with kids the different sounds that each letter makes, promoting language development and phonemic awareness. Another fun thing to do is come up with the sound the picture might make, like a bark for a dog or a vroom for a car.


  • Speech development : Sounding out words and practicing speech.

  • Language development: Understanding phonics and letter sounds.

  • Cognitive skills: Figuring out the missing letters based on the sounds and the picture.

Remember to provide supervision and support as needed, and most importantly, have fun!


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