Team Feature: Jillian Campbell, COTA

This month, our featured therapist is Jillian Campbell, Occupational Therapist Assistant!


Jillian has been working in the industry as a pediatric COTA for three years and expresses her excitement about recently joining the Tilton’s Therapy team. Originally, she was drawn to the profession after her dad suffered a traumatic brain injury. Most doctors told her family that he would never be able to do the things he was previously able to do. However, with the help of Occupational Therapy, he was able to overcome. Jillian feels blessed to have spent her career thus far working in the pediatric community. She has also volunteered for fundraisers for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) research and with Down Syndrome resources in the community. 

In her own words, Jillian describes that the best thing about Occupational Therapy,

“is being able to use what truly motivates the client to reach the goals that are important to the client. It’s all client-driven, and as a COTA, I’m just here to add more tools to their toolbox so they can do what they set their mind to independently.”

Originally from Ohio (“I’ll say Cleveland, but it’s actually close to Akron — home of Lebron James), Jillian has lived in the Las Vegas area for about 18 months. She loves seeing the mountains from every direction and not having to endure the harsh winters.

In her spare time, Jillian loves to spend as much time outdoors with her boys (including her pup) as she can. She also enjoys taking trips to the surrounding areas of the valley like Sedona and San Diego to admire the awe-inspiring sights and realign her mind, body, and soul. 

Jillian is passionate about meeting and getting to know the people around her. She loves connecting to others and feels it is a big part of all of our purpose in life. Jillian’s other passion is truly appreciating the small things in life that turn into the big things.

“An attitude of gratitude goes a long way.”

Thank you Jillian, for joining the team and providing such excellent care for your clients!


Team Feature: Jordan Sambrano, OT


Team Feature: Elle Gunderson, OT