Therapist Feature: Edith Medley, Interpretation and/or Translation Services

For this month, we are featuring our team member who provides Interpretation and/or Translation Services for Tilton’s Therapy for Tots clients, Edith Medley.


Edith began providing services to patients with TT4T in May of this year, but has done this work her whole life. Growing up in the world of her dad, who was an editor and translator/interpreter by career, Edith completed a lot of apprentice work under him and followed a similar path. His focus was translation/interpretation of the written word and has many professional degrees in these areas. Continuing her path in the field, Edith tutored middle and high school children and so far, has worked in the professional world of translation/interpretation for 30 years; she has also translated missionary books and other theology books from English to Spanish as well as Spanish to English.

When asked about her amazing level of cultural competence and how she was able to develop that unique skill set, Edith referenced her classes during the course of her professional career. She explained that her classes had a lot to do with culture, context, and content. This helped her learn all the various inflections and aspects of the Spanish language based on region. For instance, someone from Cuba can use a regional word which is used across all Spanish speaking countries that actually means something different to those in, say, Guatemala. This helped Edith understand all the differences in cultures, respecting where someone is from, and gives her the ability to pick the word, context, etc. to appropriately express what is trying to be portrayed. As with many of the therapeutic disciplines, there are many continuing education opportunities in the interpreting/translating world that Edith takes advantage of for ongoing learning.

Pursuing a formal education with a double major in Secondary Education and ESL for Adults, Edith had geared her career toward teaching. Edith has an associate degree in business from University of Missouri, Kansas City and also has a trade school certification in Travel & Tourism. She has since found other avenues to fulfill the parts of her goal of teaching.

In 2008 Edith tore her L ACL and needed to start physical therapy treatment. She was receiving therapy at Physiotherapy Associates for three months and, one year later, the same therapy company was looking for someone with her skill set, and Edith started working there as a bilingual administrative staff personnel. She worked there for ten years full-time, part-time, and later, per diem work after her youngest son was born. Working in this environment - later called Select Therapy and Select Therapy Kids, is where Edith fell in love with working in this field.

“I marvel at what all the therapists do to make a difference in the world and I am so grateful to be a part of it.”

Edith’s most appreciated aspect of working in the mobile setting is that she and the therapists are able to go to the patient’s environment. Since she is constantly looking at the culture and context of the conversation and seeing their environment is helpful. She loves being a part of being able to relay the therapists’ recommendations to be implemented at home. For instance, whether they have space in the home for a ball if it is needed. She enjoys watching therapy in this setting as therapists are able to train, educate, and empower parents to work with their kids and it makes a big difference. When treating in a clinic, Edith sensed that a true understanding and full picture of things was missing.

Throughout her career, Edith has given back to the profession through her desire to pass along what she knows. She has interpreted books to be published between English and Spanish, and she loves to explain why and how she arrives at the things she says to help educate those around her. She gives to the therapy world by being readily available and eager to participate how she can.

Living in Las Vegas for 19 years, Edith moved here following her husband’s job as a minister. Edith has found so much community and is able to get very involved with different non-profits. One organization she helps work on is Las Vegas Community Connect, which brings the various non-profits together to work alongside each other. Born in Mexico, moving and spending her formative years in Kansas City, Missouri, Edith met her husband there and together moved around quite a bit before settling in Las Vegas. They lived in Portland, Oregon for five years before making the move to LV. While it was never on their radar, they have really grown to love living in Las Vegas.

Edith loves adventure, traveling, sports, and loves to stay active walking, swimming, reading, and laughing. Her family is big on community so they are very happy to serve theirs and are very involved in their church.

Learn more about the services Edith provides for interpretation/translation for pediatric therapy by inquiring. Have a question? Reach out to us directly to touch base with our team. Look for more features of our awesome therapists in our Resources section.


New Year, New Goals, New Vision, Same Mission!


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