Team Feature: Moses Harvison, COTA

Meet this month’s featured team member, one of our newest additions to the Tilton’s Team, Moses Harvison, COTA!

Moses is a southern-born and raised healthcare professional who has a profound interest in providing personable and quality care to patients. He enjoys spending time with mother nature and traveling to foreign countries when available as well. 

Earning an Associate in Applied Science, Moses has worked in the industry or a similar position for 12 years. He was originally inspired and drawn to the profession because it allows him to help those who need it most. During the course of his career, Moses has worked in other settings including, schools, long-term care, adult and pediatric home health, and outpatient care. In addition, Moses has mentored many new graduate COTAs in the field and helped them to develop better interpersonal skills with cross discipline interactions with patients.

When asked what theory or aspect he enjoys most about his profession, Moses replied, 

“The freedom to apply a holistic approach to health care without being too mono spectrum.”

In his spare time outside of his work with patients, Moses enjoys hiking, swimming, and playing poker. His other passions include reading, traveling, heavy metal music, and cooking. Originally from Hattiesburg, MS, Moses has spent the last seven years in Las Vegas, NV. He appreciates the fact that there is so much to do in one town! 

Thank you for your dedication to your work and for joining the Tilton’s Team Moses! We look forward to all the stellar work you will continue to accomplish. 


Team Feature: Alyssa Carreon, PT


Team Feature: Deanna Yates, Billing & Credentialing Manager