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Giant Spiderweb Painting
Set up a spooky canvas for your kids to make their own Halloween art!
This craft focuses on developing gross motor skills like crossing the midline, shoulder and elbow strength and stability, and wrist and pencil grasp.
Calming Cards
Make these cards to add to your toolbox and aid your child’s emotional regulation. You can ask your child’s therapy professionals about any methods similar to this that might be in practice at school or in sessions.
Color Feelings
Make these cards to aid in your child’s emotional regulation and development.
Animal Sound Match-Up
Animal Sound Match-Up is an engaging card game to help kids improve their speech and language skills while having fun! This set includes two decks of cards: one with pictures of animals and another with corresponding animal noises.
National Physical Therapy Month
The Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapists states that “Pediatric physical therapists (PTs) work with children and their families to assist each child in reaching their maximum potential to function independently and to promote active participation in home, school, and community environments.”
Creating a Calm Down Toolbox
An effective tool for educators, parents, caregivers, and therapy providers, a calm down toolbox can help your child process emotions and reactions.
Down Syndrome Awareness
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month - when we take a closer look at some of the details about Down Syndrome (Down instead of Down’s).
Dyslexia & Learning Disabilities Awareness
October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month as well as specifically Dyslexia Awareness Month.
Cerebral Palsy
On October 6, we observe World Cerebral Palsy Day. Across the world, over 17 million individuals feel the impact of this disorder. Primarily affecting children, cerebral palsy can occur all throughout a child’s lifespan and there is currently no cure for this disorder.
National Dental Hygiene Month
During the month of October, kids who celebrate Halloween are usually anticipating the close of the month — particularly what their candy haul might look like come November 1. With the expected sugar on the horizon, we’re highlighting an important focus for the month of October: National Dental Hygiene Month.
Healthy Lungs
October is Healthy Lung Month, when we focus on the ways we can keep our lungs and respiratory system in optimal health. Many of us do not address our lungs unless we experience a problem breathing. As with so many diseases and disorders, prevention is key.
Speech Treasure Hunt
This interactive game combines speech therapy concepts with a fun treasure hunt theme, with a digital PDF download component (available in our app) for easy play at home, in the classroom, or in speech therapy sessions. Players embark on a treasure hunt, solving speech-related challenges along the way.
Leaf Texture Activity
The leaf texture activity focuses on bilateral coordination to stabilize leaf/paper while coloring, fine motor skills to peel crayons and pinch while holding crayon on side to color, color recognition, identification of different size leaves, and the textures for sensory.
Tower Template Cube
Get some fun ideas to challenge kids to follow along and create something new! It’s easy to play and easy for kids to understand how it works.
Sports Safety Conversation Cube
It is important for children to understand the safety basics when it comes to playing sports. To make the conversation more fun and engaging, use our sports safety conversation cube to talk about what your child should always remember to help them stay safe.
Smash It Speech Therapy Game
Smash the thing! This activity is a great way to get kids active and let out some of the active energy they have naturally while practicing sh-words.
Fall Sensory Bin
Explore the senses while incorporating fine motor, visual motor, visual perception, tactile defensiveness, daily living skills, play and sequencing skills.
Match Me Card Game
Gross motor activity to plan movements and copy the adult/therapist. Balance/strength/stability as well as crossing midline and distinguishing different body parts and sides of the body.
Festive Fall Tree Craft
Tactile (sensory) play to feel all the textures of the leaves/sticks. Visual motor to talk about colors, shapes, sizes. Use of glue adds a sensory component if they touch the stickiness.